Song of the Week

This classic ode to love has a special place in the hearts of so many. Croce’s genius guitar backing and tender words say everything you never knew how to, leaving any listener stunned. Even the title, “Time in a Bottle”, gives the impression of attempting to capture something metaphysical and fluid; knowing you never will but also never willing to give up trying. I decided I had to write about this song when I discovered how Croce’s life was unfolding as it was written and released. His story supports the songs honesty and magnifies its significance.

The haunting vocals and delicate guitar let any listener know that these are Croce’s most intimate thoughts. The vulnerability it takes to release a song like this is admirable. Croce sat down and wrote this song the night he found out his wife, Ingrid Croce, was pregnant with their child. The majority of listeners connect “Time in a Bottle” to romantic relationships but Croce wrote this song to express the love he has for his son. “If I could make days last forever / If words could make wishes come true / I’d save every day like a treasure and then / Again, I would spend them with you.” I feel like at the end of the day we all know that spending time with the people we love is the only thing that truly matters. So why do we let everything else get in the way? Croce describes a utopian reality where we don’t have any responsibility more important than family. This song is beloved by so many because in some way every person is deprived of enough time and feels stuck in this way.

Jim Croce, Life and Times Puzzle” by McCoyCreations is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Croce died in a plane crash on September 20th, 1973. His career was cut short just as he was reaching the height of success. “Time in a Bottle” reached number 1 on the charts only after he was gone. All the time musicians will write songs about experiences they never had or feelings they’ve never felt but for Croce that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Croce sent his wife a letter before he died that she received after the funeral.

Ingrid recites the letter as follows, “I know I haven’t been very nice to you for some time and when I get back everything will be different. We are gonna have a life together Ing I promise. I’m going to concentrate on my health … and write short stories and movie scripts … Give a kiss to my little man and tell him daddy loves him. Remember it’s the first 60 years that count and i’ve got 30 to go. I love you.” After writing the song Croce lost it’s meaning within himself. He wasn’t the dedicated family man he wanted to be because of the music and touring. He was willing to give up everything he worked for for his family and was about to come home and settle down when that future was taken away from him. He died before his son’s second birthday.

Knowing the full story gives these lyrics a whole new depth. “If I had a box just for wishes / And dreams that had never come true / The box would be empty, except for the memory of how / They were answered by you.” Imagine a world where you had everything you ever wanted. Once we realize what Croce is trying to tell us this is not a reality out of our reach. There may be a lot of things you want but there is only one thing that every person needs.

It was too late for Croce. He never got to settle down and watch his son grow up like he wished for so badly. That doesn’t mean we have to make the same mistakes. Take the time now while you have it and spend it on what really matters.

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